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Is Your Copy development the Cut? Part Ii - Marketing Collateral

Business cards, brochures, data sheets and media kits are often your very first introduction to inherent clients. What statement are you making for yourself? Do inherent clients feel that your assosication is competent and well-qualified when they read your brochures? Does your media kit give members of the media the perception that your assosication is trustable and that its representatives are well-spoken?

Powerful marketing pieces can have a immense work on upon your audience, challenging them to action, or at least getting them one step closer to becoming a client. Poorly conceived, poorly written and/or cheaply produced materials can be quite the opposite - the marketing kiss of death.

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Consider your marketing materials, and then riposte the following questions honestly:

Are you one of the many small firm owners that do not have a media kit?

Did you create your firm cards at midnight, the night before a networking event?

Is your idea of a brochure just a flyer folded in half?

If you answered yes to any of the above, or if it sounds fairly close, you are not capitalizing on the indispensable opportunities that can be created by your marketing pieces. Sometimes when a problem is too close we have difficulty accepting it. When the problem belongs to man else, the explication is often quite obvious. So, let's make this about man else - our poor, unfortunate, marketing collateral-challenged "friends."

Our "friends" want their firm to grow and succeed, yet they are unwilling to spend in it. Sure, they send out their fair share of press releases; but somehow they just can't explain the charge of a media kit. Brochures? Can't they just refer people to their website? professionally created firm cards? Why? Their homemade ones are a bit tattered at the edges but they are rather colorful. maybe no-one will notice those tattered edges, anyway.

How will our friends' unwillingness to spend in their own firm impact its ability to grow? Have you ever shared the sentiments of our marketing collateral-challenged friends? Perhaps, you still do. think the impact that your marketing collateral can and should have upon your target market:

Marketing collateral should capture the attention of your target market, both visually and straight through the written word. The graphics, fonts, layout and text chosen must appeal to your audience, or your marketing collateral speculation may very well be papering the trashcans of people who could have become clients. For instance, are you an speculation banker? Then balloons and a cloud motif are probably not the way to go - no matter how much you like them. Are you a traveling clown? Then ultra-boring, super-serious cards are not going to impel kids to beg their parents to give you a call.

Think of that microscopic 2" x 3 1/2" card as a one-shot audience with your dream client. What type of impression would you try to make in the moments it takes to introduce yourself, shake hands, change niceties, and if you are lucky...business cards. Would you be embarrassed to hand your current firm card to that dream client? Then it is time to re-think this leading initial marketing piece.

When can saving money cost you clients?

If you can institute a professional looking firm card - that's great. All the better. We love to look good and save money. However, if your attempts look amateur at best - spend in getting a card professionally designed. The ability of paper and the ability of printing also weigh heavily upon the perception of inherent clients and readers. While any associates offer free firm cards, these often have their perceive info emblazoned on the back of the card. This is an additional one occasion for you to charge out with your inherent client. If you are not ready to spend in having a firm card (and logo, most likely) professionally designed, at least spring for the excellent cards from low-cost, mass-printers.

The same rule applies to your brochures, yet these crucial items are a bit more complicated. There is the layout to pick and the font. Will you go with stock photos, or should you hire a photographer? And then there is the copy... How much opinion did you give to the copy that went into your last brochure? Was it clear? Did it grab your readers? Did you have man considered relate the copy for both clarity and typographical errors?

Each marketing piece that you produce is an occasion for you to shine. Capture your target market's attention and educate them about your assosication straight through copy which clearly and concisely conveys your message. Tell them what you do, how you do it, and why your firm is the right selection for them. Miss that opportunity, and you can be sure that your competitors will not.

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